Parts Break Down:
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Reference # | Mfg Part Number | Qty | Product Description | |
1 | 8335A5291 | 1 |
2 | 6792-5111 | 1 |
3 | 1450-0311 | 1 | OVERLOAD | |
3 | 14500521 | 1 |
4 | 1450-4219 | 1 |
4 | 14504039 | 1 | COMPRESSOR (TECUMSEH) - Serial# 1501xxxxx and Later | |
5 | 67593081 | 1 | COMPRESSOR MOUNTING PKG. (3/PKG) | |
6 | 1460-1321 | 1 | SOLENOID COIL - Serial# 1501xxxxx and Later | |
6 | 14601181 | 1 | SOLENOID COIL | |
7 | 48004-531 | 1 | REVERSING VALVE ASSEMBLY | |
7 | 48008530 | 1 | REVERSING VALVE ASSY - Serial# 1501xxxxx and Later | |
8 | 8333-115 | 1 | MOUNTING PLATE | |
9 | 1468-3069 | 1 |
9 | 1468A3069 | 1 | MOTOR | |
10 | 6733-3221 | 1 |
11 | 6792-1071 | 1 | SHROUD, FAN | |
12 | 14521441 | 1 | CONDENSER COIL - Serial# 1501xxxxx and Later | |
12 | 1452B114 | 1 | OUTDOOR COIL | |
13 | 8332-3301 | 1 |
14 | 8333B1011 | 1 | BASEPAN (WITH FOAM SCROLL) | |
15 | 1452-252 | 1 | BY FLOW RESTRICTOR - Serial# 1501xxxxx and Later | |
15 | 1454-269 | 1 | BY FLOW RESTRICTOR | |
16 | 48004A136 | 1 | LIQUID LINE | |
16 | 8543-135 | 1 | LIQUID LINE - Serial# 1501xxxxx and Later | |
17 | 1499-5761 | 1 |
17 | 14995721 | 1 |
18 | 1499-5461 | 1 |
19 | 1460-3581 | 1 | OD TEMP RELAY BOARD | |
19 | 14601271 | 1 | HIGH PRESSURE RELAY - Serial# 1501xxxxx and Later | |
20 | 8535B375 | 1 | CONDUIT & WIRING ASSEMBLY - Serial# 1501xxxxx and Later | |
20 | 8535C375 | 1 | CONDUIT ASSEMBLY | |
21 | 8335A3501 | 1 | DRAIN PAN ASSY | |
NS | 8333-109 | 1 | DOOR, WIRE BOX - Serial# 1501xxxxx and Later | |
22 | 8333-507 | 1 | PANEL, LH SIDE | |
23 | 8333A5061 | 1 | COVER, EVAPORATOR ASSY | |
24 | 8333-505 | 1 | PANEL, RH SIDE | |
25 | 14521711 | 1 | EVAPORATOR COIL - Serial# 1501xxxxx and Later | |
25 | 1452A171 | 1 | INDOOR COIL | |
26 | 1472-1091 | 1 | BLOWER WHEEL PACKAGE | |
NS | 14602101 | 1 | FREEZE SWITCH - Serial# 1501xxxxx and Later |
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