When you're on the road with your RV, you want to make the most of your outdoor experience. Whether you enjoy hiking, fishing, or biking, having the right gear is essential. But with limited space inside your RV, finding smart ways to store your outdoor gear can be a challenge. In this blog post, we will explore some clever storage solutions to help you keep your gear organized and maximize the space in your RV.
One of the best ways to store outdoor gear in your RV is by utilizing vertical space. Install shelving units or hanging organizers inside your RV to take advantage of the unused vertical space. This allows you to store items such as camping chairs, fishing rods, and hiking boots without taking up valuable floor space.
Collapsible gear is a game-changer for RV storage. Look for collapsible camping chairs, tables, and storage containers that can be easily folded and stored when not in use. This way, you can save space when you're on the road and expand your storage options when you're at the campsite.
Using bins and baskets can help you keep your outdoor gear neatly organized. Categorize your gear by activity (e.g., hiking, fishing, biking) and store them in separate bins or baskets. Label each container for easy identification, so you can quickly find what you need without digging through a pile of gear.
If you have extra space in your RV, consider creating a custom gear garage. Install hooks or racks on the walls to hang bikes or store fishing gear. You can also build shelves or cabinets to keep your gear neatly organized. Having a designated storage area for your outdoor gear will make it easier to access and keep everything in its place.
The overhead cabinets in your RV can be valuable storage space if used wisely. Install hooks or small bins inside the cabinets to hang or store smaller items such as camping utensils, headlamps, or first aid kits. By utilizing the often overlooked overhead space, you can free up more storage room for other gear.
Vacuum storage bags can be a lifesaver when it comes to storing bulky items like sleeping bags or extra blankets. These bags compress the items, taking up less space and keeping them protected. Vacuum-sealing your gear also helps to prevent moisture or odors from seeping in, ensuring that your gear stays fresh and dry.
A slide-out storage tray can be a great addition to your RV's storage options. These trays can be installed under the RV or in compartments, providing extra storage space for heavier items like coolers, grills, or toolboxes. With a slide-out tray, you can easily access your gear without having to unload everything else.
Most RVs come with under-bed storage compartments that are perfect for stashing your gear. Invest in some storage bins or drawers that are designed to fit under the bed. These compartments are ideal for storing items you don't need immediate access to, such as extra clothes, camping gear, or hiking boots.
To prevent your gear from shifting during travel, secure loose items with bungee cords. Secure bins, coolers, or any other gear to prevent them from falling or sliding around. This will not only help protect your gear but also keep your RV organized and safe while on the road.
If you have a tow vehicle or a motorhome with additional storage space in the trunk, consider storing some of your gear there. Items like bikes, kayaks, or even foldable chairs can be stored in your vehicle, freeing up valuable space inside the RV. Just make sure everything is securely fastened to prevent damage during travel.
If you find that your RV does not have enough storage space for all your gear, consider utilizing external storage options. Roof racks or hitch-mounted cargo carriers can provide additional space for items such as kayaks, bikes, or camping equipment. This allows you to bring all the gear you need without sacrificing space inside your RV.
The key to maximizing your storage space in an RV is to keep everything organized. Regularly declutter and only bring the essential gear you need for your outdoor activities. Have designated spots for each item and make sure to return them to their designated place after use. By staying organized, you'll be able to make the most of the space you have.
Storing outdoor gear in your RV doesn't have to be a challenge. By utilizing vertical space, investing in collapsible gear, using bins and baskets, creating a custom gear garage, and optimizing your existing storage options, you can keep your gear organized and make the most of your RV space.
Remember to keep it organized, secure loose items, and consider external storage options if needed. With these smart storage solutions, you'll be able to enjoy your outdoor adventures without the hassle of cluttered gear in your RV.